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Chicken Since 1994.

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Our Accessibility Commitment
Planway Poultry Inc. is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner.

In 2005, the government of Ontario passed the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) with the goal of ensuring greater accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities by 2025. To help public, private, and nonprofit organizations identify, prevent, and remove barriers to accessibility, the AODA contains accessibility standards in areas, including:

  1. Customer Service

  2. Information and Communications

  3. Employment

  4. Training

This Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (Accessibility Plan) outlines Planway Poultry Inc. compliance with the AODA. Planway Poultry Inc. is committed to fulfilling our requirements under the AODA and making its premises and services accessible to all Ontarians. This plan will be reviewed every 5 years.
Customer Service​
Planway Poultry Inc. strives at all times to provide goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. Planway Poultry Inc. is also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our goods and services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way as other customers.

Ongoing Initiatives

  • Continue to provide training on customer service to all new associates who interact with the general public and third-party vendors using customer service training or where more appropriate, the Government of Ontario’s “Serve-Ability” site

  • Refresh training on a periodic basis, not less than once in every 5 years.

  • Review and update policies and standards regularly to ensure high quality, accessible customer service.

  • Review all customer feedback and take appropriate action.

  • Continue to implement service disruption protocol by posting signs to advise the public where alternate service may be obtained, while repairs to existing service location are completed.

Information and Communication
Planway Poultry Inc. will follow best practices when developing, implementing, and maintaining information and communications strategies and products to ensure that information and communications are available and accessible to people with disabilities. This includes websites, intranet sites, communication materials, telephone communications and face-to-face interactions. The goal is to achieve the most effective and efficient access to information for all users.

Ongoing Initiatives

  • Conduct a review of all feedback processes across the organization (internally and externally).

  • Determine what accessible formats and communication supports will be provided upon request.

  • Notify the public about the availability of these accessible formats and communication supports. Accessible Formats and Communication Supports:

  • Upon request, provide or arrange for information in accessible formats and/or provide communication supports for people with disabilities.

  • Ensure that the information is provided in a timely manner, at no extra cost, and that the person making the request is consulted in order to determine the most appropriate format or support.

  • Train all staff in the availability of communications in accessible formats and to whom requests should be forwarded.

  • Ensure that specific people (Human Resources, Marketing, and Information Technology) are aware of the importance of responding to information requests

Planway Poultry Inc. is committed to inclusive and accessible employment practices that attract and retain talented associates with disabilities.

Ongoing Initiatives

  • Planway Poultry Inc. will review existing recruitment and employment practices and identify potential barriers to employment, including without limitation:

  • Methodology of advising of potential job opportunities (advertising, word of mouth, connections with groups assisting people facing barriers to entry into the workforce).

  • Identification (and elimination) of barriers that may arise during the interview process.

  • Creating systems to reduce or eliminate biases in recruitment processes (selection criteria, interview methodology).

  • Successful applicants will be notified of policies for accommodating associates with disabilities when offering employment. This notice will be included in the letter of offer to the successful applicant.

  • All associates will be informed of policies for supporting associates with disabilities, including providing employment-related accommodations. New associates will receive this information during the orientation process.

Training: Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation
Ongoing Initiatives

  • Human Resources is aware of the training initiative for all associates to be trained on the requirements of the accessibility standards referred to in this regulation and on the Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities.

  • All associates will be trained, and a record will be kept of the training.

  • New associates will be trained as part of their on-boarding.

  • Refresher training on the Customer Service Standards will be provided periodically

  • Where appropriate, publicly-available on-line resources will be used for training (See


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